Herrar U19 SM


Hammarby Basket


Last 5 Matches

Date Opposition Result
2/27/22 KFUM Blackebergs Idrottsklubb KFUM Blackebergs Idrottsklubb (A) D 67-84
2/26/22 Vision Generation Basket Idrottsförening Vision Generation Basket Idrottsförening (A) D 81-36
2/26/22 KFUM Sundsvall Basket KFUM Sundsvall Basket (H) D 40-56
11/28/21 AIK Basketförening AIK Basketförening (H) D 61-70
11/27/21 KFUM Örebro Basketbollklubb KFUM Örebro Basketbollklubb (A) D 86-80

Average points

Average total rebounds

Average assists

Average steals

Average blocks

2 Points percentage

3 Point percentage

Free throw percentage

Player List

Player AST APG Def AST Def AST PG AS% A/TO BLK BLKPG BLK% BLKR BLKRPG Def Rat Draw Index EFF Gm Sc FGA FGAPG eFG% FGM FGMPG FG% FA FF Coach DQF Coach DQFPG Coach Tech Coach Tech PG DF DFPG OF OFPG Fls On FOPG PF PFPG TF TFPG Tot Fouls Tot Fouls PG Uns. Foul Uns. Foul PG FTA FTAPG FTM FTMPG FT% G GS Losses Av Losses - - PG Mins MPG Pts/Poss Avg Pts/Poss Off Rat PER + +PG +/- +/- PG Adj. +/- Adj. +/- PG PTS PPG 2CP 2CPPG Poss Poss PG DEF DRPG DR% OFF ORPG OR% REB% REB RPG Rlts STL STPG ST% 3PA 3PAPG 3PM 3PMPG 3P% TSA TSAPG TS% TO TOPG TO% 2PA 2PAPG 2PM 2PMPG 2P% Wins AV Wins STAT_PERSONCOMP_BASKETBALL_sEfficiencyAverage_ABBREV


Position Team Pts GP W L GD Pts diff h Pts diff A HW HL AW AL Str
1 KFUM Blackebergs Idrottsklubb 6 3 3 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
2 KFUM Sundsvall Basket 4 3 2 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 Hammarby Basket 2 3 1 2 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
4 Vision Generation Basket Idrottsförening 0 3 0 3 -100 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3